In the heart of Australia’s outback, an Aboriginal teenager discovers the powerful wisdom of wild horses, guided by an Indigenous scientist, Professor Juli Coffin, who has developed a uniquely successful program that addresses extremely high rates of suicide in young people. In the process, our protagonist reclaims her connection to her heritage, the natural world and is empowered to find her voice.
Sophy Crane and Sean O’Reilly have complimenting expertise in factual, drama and documentary industries. By combining Sophy’s observational documentary background (BBC Natural History Unit – ‘Frozen Planet II’ and ‘Green Planet’, ABC’s ‘Old People’s Home for Teenagers’, Channel 9’s ‘Big Miracles’) with Sean’s award winning travel programmes (his original My Van Life 8x30min, and World Nomads: Discoveries) and ilm experience, this directing team will provide a unique perspective in telling the story of this groundbreaking program.