Documentary Australia

Issue area

Women & Girls

Documentaries motivate individuals, organisations, and communities to get involved, support relevant initiatives, and advocate for policy changes that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The first wave of feminism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries focused on women’s suffrage, property rights, and educational opportunities. Today, efforts highlight more contemporary issues such as reproductive rights, workplace equality and gender roles.  Despite progress being made in achieving gender equality, it has been slow and hindered by patriarchal norms and traditions.  

Women and girls still face disparities in access to education and employment opportunities. Gender stereotypes, wage gaps, and limited representation in leadership positions persist, hindering their socioeconomic advancement. Women and girls continue to experience high rates of gender-based harassment and violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Access to quality healthcare, reproductive rights, and maternal health remain important issues for women and girls. 

Documentaries provide a platform to delve into these critical issues, conduct in-depth research, and create compelling narratives that highlight the challenges, experiences, and achievements of women and girls across different contexts and cultures. Documentaries motivate individuals, organisations, and communities to get involved, support relevant initiatives, and advocate for policy changes that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. They can spark conversations, inspire activism, and ultimately contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society for women and girls.  




Completed Documentary Australia-supported Women & Girls projects:

Geeta Strong Female Lead Girl’s Can’t Surf
Enquire about hosting a screening Where to watch: SBS Where to watch: Apple TVDocPlayTubi TV
Rosemary’s Way I am a Girl Rachel’s Farm
Where to watch: Fan-Force  Where to watch: DocPlay Where to watch: DocPlay

Films that need your support


Raquel Trejo





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