Amanda King is an Australian filmmaker who with her partner, Co-Producer and Cinematographer Fabio Cavadini, have produced documentaries for over three decades, as the partnership Frontyard Films. Their documentaries filmed in the Pacific – in Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and Bougainville – which have shown on Australian broadcast networks as well as to internationally. Titles include Time To Draw The Line, Colour Change, An Evergreen Island and the arts documentary, A Thousand Different Angles. In 2018 they co-produced, filmed and edited BUWARRALA ARYAH Journey West with director, Gadrian JARWIJALMAR Hoosan from the Borroloola community. In 2019, their documentary The Great Strike 1917 screened at the Antenna International Documentary Film Festival and in 2020, their film Clement Meadmore screened at the Fine Arts Film Festival in LA. Their most recent documentary, WHERE THE WATER STARTS was completed in late 2021. In 2022-23 they worked with Thomas Mayo on Come Walk With Us.
Filmmaker Projects
Clement Meadmore, described as Australia's greatest modernist sculptor, moved to New York to seek recognition.
We need to be armed with the best of Aboriginal connection and of regenerative science to move forward together.