Documentary Australia

Jackie Turnure

Jackie Turnure is a triple Emmy award winning Impact Producer with over 20 years experience helping filmmakers connect with audiences and organisations to generate measurable impact in terms of awareness, attitude and behaviour change. Jackie’s documentary impact projects include men’s’ mental health series MAN UP, asylum seeker feature film, SANCTUARY, ocean conservation series AUSTRALIA’S OCEAN ODYSSEY, asylum seeker feature film, SANCTUARY, refugee documentary, ROSEMARY’S WAY, women in STEMM feature doc, THE LEADERSHIP, the Bob Brown feature documentary, THE GIANTS and youth climate action series, STAY TUNED TO OUR PLANET (STTOP). Before returning to Australia in 2015, Jackie headed up the Los Angeles office of Think Jam, a digital marketing agency for major entertainment clients including Sony Pictures, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM and Twentieth Century Fox.

Filmmaker Projects

Monica Burnell - Series Producer

STTOP combats eco-anxiety by turning “Eco-worriers” into Eco-warriors, showing how positive actions make a difference.

Joshinder Chaggar

Women in their 60’s and 70’s pursue fulfillment, inspiring change in our limiting perceptions of older women.

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