Woven Threads – Stories from Country is an animated eight-part series dedicated to telling stories of our shared humanity. In these five-minute episodes, these human stories come to life in beautiful and powerful animations, designed to elicit empathy and understanding. It is the human and not the experience that is central.
We believe empathy is the key to understanding, and understanding is the key to accelerating change.
This series will look at the effect of colonisation past and present on Indigenous Australian communities, exploring themes of identity, youth justice, mental health, disability, employment, LGBTQI related issues and out-of-home care. These stories will be told by First Nations people for an Australian audience. Woven Threads gives the people involved the opportunity to share their stories and experiences with a public audience. We aim to increase awareness around these challenges, as well as engender hope and courage in those who are struggling. Our work is evidence based and has been shown to create social and behavioural change.