Woolloomooloo is a social and historical documentary on the redevelopment of one of Sydney’s oldest harbourside areas from the initial plans of 1969 to the completion of the Housing Commission’s renovation project in late 1977. Details the roles of local, State and Federal governments, the State Planning Authority, The National Trust, the developers, the Builders’ Labourers Federation led by Jack Mundey, and the residents groups.
Faced with the demolition of working class homes and the construction of high-rise towers, busy expressways and not enough infrastructure, the local community enlists the support of the Builders’ Labourers’ Federation (BLF); resulting in site Green Bans that propelled the issue into the national spotlight.
Pat Fiske, Bower Bird Films, has directed and/or produced many award-winning documentaries and
has mentored many emerging filmmakers by either producing or consulting on their projects or
helping them through difficulties over the years. In 2001 she was awarded the prestigious Stanley
Hawes Award for her outstanding contribution to the documentary industry in Australia. In 2001-
2002 she was Documentary Consultant at SBS Independent television for 18 months and was Co-
Head of Documentary at AFTRS from 2002-2008. In the 1970s and 80s, Pat Fiske was on the
boards of Filmnews and the Australian Screen Director’s Association (ASDA now ADG). Since the
early 1990s to today, she has been on the Advisory Panel for the Sydney Film Festival. From 2007
to 2010 Pat worked part time as a curator for the Australian Screen Online. At present she is on
the Board of ASDACS. In 2023 Pat Fiske was awarded The Order of Australia for her service to
the film industry.