For those who have been following us on Instagram of Facebook, you may have seen our updates as we travelled around Malaysia. Myself, Chan Lee and Nicholson Ren embarked on this journey just over 2 weeks ago and returned yesterday morning after visiting key locations around Perak, Kota Bahru and Singapore.
We had an itinerary planned for filming and various locations, however new opportunities arose while we were there. We had a snowball of connections made within our first couple of days which set us on a new trajectory, meeting with local historians and war enthusiasts who were able to share their knowledge with us. The bonus of this was being able to hear the local history first hand, from the people who have had oral stories passed down to them, combined with their own local research.
One big surprise was after arriving in Penang for a late night interview at 9pm, we jumped on a call with Professor Gary Lit, who I had previously been in contact with. Unfortunately he had told me he would be in Singapore at the time of our trip, but his call came in, close to midnight saying he was in the Perak region! We quickly adapted our new plans, cutting our trip to Penang short and drove back to Ipoh the next day to meet with the Professor. We spent the next two days driving around Ipoh, Kampar and Bidor with him to hear stories from the locals.
We also met with our participants, Margaret, Dr Julian, Aunty Irene and Uncle Pat. (The latter two lovely people were introduced to us by Professor Cheryl Nicholas from
Penn State University.) It was astonishing to hear them revisit some of their stories from the Japanese Occupation when they were children. Dr Julian, had a very clear memory of his interactions with the Japanese soldiers from the age of 3-4.
Kota Bahru was a bit of un unknown for us, as we didn’t have contacts up there. We were hoping to visit the first landing site and the War Museum up there. Thank you to Hisham and his involvement with the Malaya Historical Group Society, we were able to get in contact with a history buff, Zafrani, who was able to take us to the real landing site in Kota Bahru, as well as enlighten us to more details of the events of the 8th Dec 1941 including the following days.
When we returned to KL, we went our separate ways; Chan returning to Melbourne, Nicholson remaining in KL for a couple more days and me travelling to Singapore for a solo trip.
In Singapore, I was able to visit more key historic sites, attend multiple museums, find rare books and visit war hero, Lim Bo Seng’s tomb. Nicholson joined me on the last day to visit Fort Siloso as we learnt about the final stages of the Malayan Campaign which lead to the fall of Singapore and the occupation of Malaya.
This journey would not have been possible without the generous contribution of our donors. My team and I are so grateful for your support, as there were many moments where we were not sure if we could make it or not, especially for these last minute changes! We averaged 2 meals per day, which kept us within budget, while also being able to provide a meal for our hosts, who also volunteered their time to show us around. (Most of the time, the 2 meals were due to us running out of time each day and often having a late lunch, for example in Singapore I had breakfast at 5:45pm!).
Overall, it was a tough trip, with long days and adventures, including Chan and I getting leeched on a hike up Kampar Hill! But it was all worth it in the end and the people we met along the way helped us get the very vital footage we needed.
Next steps will be to review all the footage and start sorting it within our storyline. While we were able to make it through this trip with the $1,900 raised, any further funds in this next stage will go towards acquiring archive footage, particularly from the Australia War Memorial and National Archives of Singapore, and saving to afford post production costs such as colour grading, animation etc.
More details to come in the next updates, but in the meantime, if you’d like to see behind the scenes photos and videos from our recent trip, make sure to follow us on:
Instagram – @unheard.memoirs (https://www.instagram.com/unheard.memoirs?igsh=cGlxcWlyNzV6Ym52)
Facebook – Unheard Memoirs from the Japanese Occupation of Malaya (https://www.facebook.com/share/1AAk3yh7K3/?mibextid=wwXIfr)