When Filmmaker Andrew Kaineder (Andy) learns that the forest surrounding the tallest known Spotted Gum in the world, Big Spotty, is under threat from native forest logging in his hometown, he wants answers.
It doesn’t take much digging for Andy to work out that the story of this particular compartment of land, just south of Ulladulla and home to the iconic tree, is only one piece of the convoluted and somewhat disturbing natural land management puzzle in Australia.
His focus quickly moves from an investigation into one patch of forest to a national investigation into deforestation: with the destruction of the Great Koala National Park in NSW, forest clearing for beef in QLD, the endangered Jarrah forests of WA and the logging of Australia’s largest temperate rainforest in Tasmania, all putting forward clear-cut evidence that we need to rethink our relationship with our forests.
Can he save Big Spotty in time?