CARELESS is an inspiring and thought-provoking universal story about Australians growing old. It is a playful and heartfelt social impact feature documentary that offers solutions to our aged care crisis.
Sue Thomson is an award-winning filmmaker who is deeply passionate about human rights and equality. Her film and television work includes writing, producing, and directing.
Together with producer Adam Farrington-Williams, Sue is in development for the feature documentaries CARELESS and THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN CON.
Sue has produced the Melbourne International Comedy Festival GALA’s and Deadly Funny and continues to work with the Melbourne Comedy Festival each year.
Sue directed the documentary Class Clowns for Network 10 and a number of successful ABC documentaries, including Boys and Balls, The Fifth Set, The Last Great Amateurs and Tempest at the Drop-in.
In 2018 Sue wrote, directed & produced, THE COMING BACK OUT BALL, the award-winning closing night film at MIFF 2018, now streaming on NETFLIX.
Her latest film UNDER COVER, narrated by Margot Robbie, is a heart-breaking study of women over 50 struggling with housing and the one-hour version is available on ABC iview.