Join the Environmental Accelerator
Join the Environmental Accelerator to receive news about our environmental documentary program, including screenings, events and things you can do to accelerate action for our environment.

Host a Screening
Host a screening of one of the Environmental Accelerator films in your school, workplace or community to share these messages with a larger audience and support actions for the environment.
Speak up to save Palawan's forests
Emmy-nominated Delikado is set in Palawan, where the forests are known globally for their rich ecosystems with high biodiversity. Yet they are continuously threatened by mining, mono-crop plantations, and ill-planned infrastructure projects. Support the call for governments to protect the remaining 600,000 hectares of forest.

Start regenerating
Regenerating Australia imagines what Australia could look like in 2030 if we simply listened to the needs of its people. Our current economic system is degenerative and extractive; it steals the future. A regeneratively designed system heals the future, bringing vitality and growth to our communities and our ecosystems.
Support young people fighting for climate
Youth on Strike! follows twelve Aussie school students as they go on strike for climate action. Support school students from every part of Australia, who form the biggest youth-led climate movement in Australian history, to continue to fight for climate and grow the movement.

Stand with Torres Strait Islander peoples
Climate Changers follows Tim Flannery’s search for leadership on climate change, including those working at grassroots and community levels in the Torres Strait. Torres Strait Islanders are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, with advancing seas threatening homes, and damaging water supplies and sacred sites. Stand with Torres Strait Islander peoples calling for resourcing to protect their island homes from climate damage.
Decarbonise your life
The biography of Carbon reveals the paradoxical story of the element that builds all life, and yet may end it all. Australia is the first nation where using all zero-emission electric appliances and vehicles can save every home money, and is how we could have the biggest impact on climate this decade. Commit to electrifying your household, vehicles and appliances.

Tour the Greenhouse futurefoodsystem
Take a virtual trip through Joost Bakker’s futurefoodsystem, and access tips on creating a mushroom wall, aquaponics system, rooftop garden and more.
Visit Planet Ark's Australian Circular Economy Hub
Our current economic model is unsustainable, explore the circular alternative. The circular economy is an innovative model for rethinking our approach to products and services. Pioneers are reconfiguring and disrupting the way we think about delivering goods and services; shifting the way we extract, make, consume and repurpose the material in our products to ensure emissions are reduced and resources are efficiently used and kept in circulation as long as possible.

Fix our national environment law
Our national environment law doesn’t directly address climate change, which means it isn’t adequately protecting our treasured natural places. Join the Climate Council and Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action in calling on the Federal Government to strengthen Australia’s national environment law to include climate change.
Start a climate conversation
Starting a conversation about climate change and solutions with your friends, colleagues and community is a great way to step up as a climate leader and inspire others on their journey.

Divest your super from fossil fuels
Our super is funding the climate crisis, with an estimated $140 billion of Australians’ retirement savings financing climate destruction through the expansion of coal, oil and gas. Moving your super to an ethical future fund such as Future Super is a quick and easy way to stop investing in fossil fuels and start investing in climate solutions.
Support Indigenous Rangers
In recent years, federal government staff dedicated to supporting Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas has been cut by roughly 95%. Staff capacity needs to be rebuilt to expand Indigenous Protected Areas and Indigenous Ranger teams, sustain their work into the future and tackle biodiversity loss, climate change impacts and related pressures. Write to your MP to request greater support for Indigenous land and sea management Australia-wide.

Donate to a Seed Bank
The Australian Seed Bank Partnership is taking decisive action to safeguard Australia’s plants on a national scale and has secured a representative third of Australia’s flora, including more than 50 per cent of our threatened species, through seed banking activities. Donate to support this vital work securing native seeds in conservation seed banks, undertaking scientific research and sharing knowledge to ensure Australia’s flora is protected against future threats.
Take Action to Protect Australia’s Black Cockatoos
A coalition of five peak environmental groups, together with Traditional Custodians, scientists and community groups, are working to protect the Black Cockatoos in the South West of WA and save them from extinction. Their campaign has two primary goals: a review of the laws, policies, initiatives and recovery plans that are currently failing the Black Cockatoos, and the implementation of an Emergency Plan to reverse their decline.

Tick Off Ten Changes You Can Make Today
The New Joneses interviewees highlight small, achievable changes that an individual can make in their daily life to contribute to better environmental outcomes for the planet. Tick off ten actions today to reduce your footprint.