Documentary Australia

Steve Warne

Steve is one of the Producers of the feature documentary, ‘Journey Beyond Fear’, which he also shot much of and is self-distributing and marketing. His previous experience as Film Victoria’s Documentary Manager and prior work as a Researcher/Producer/Director with ‘4 Corners’ (ABC), ‘Dateline’ (SBS) and indies, such as Don Featherstone and Living Pictures Productions, has been invaluable to the film. So has his work as Director of Production at Warner Interactive Entertainment, in Paris and his facilitation of community-based documentaries for Multicultural Arts Victoria, such as ‘Destination Shepparton’ and ‘Sikh’s in Shep’. Steve’s experience as a Mentor/Director for short documentaries, like ‘Cowboy in Cambodia’ with Filmmaker Abroad and his running of documentary master classes in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia have helped pave the way for this project.

Filmmaker Projects

Journey Beyond Fear

Completed film

Robyn Hughan

We follow a teenage girl and her refugee family in Malaysia as they wait for, and eventually achieve, resettlement.

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