Documentary Australia

Hilary Swank

Hilary rose to fame with her breakthrough role in “Boys Don’t Cry”, for which she won her first Academy Award for Best Actress and for her portrayal of a determined female boxer in “Million Dollar Baby”, earning her a second Oscar. Having acted in feature films for over 30 years, she has never shied away from difficult subjects, and her latest release, the critically acclaimed film, Ordinary Angels, is no exception.

Hilary is very excited to be involved with this documentary on breastfeeding, FLOW. In fact, when Hilary offered to help with the film, it was clear that she was passionate about the subject. She is a strong advocate for women’s rights to make an informed choice around breastfeeding. Hilary is both a Producer and the Narrator of this landmark feature documentary.

Filmmaker Projects

Rachel Dunn

Gives women the facts about breastfeeding so they can say, “This is my body; this is my baby; this is my decision."

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