Gifting us unprecedented access to a once-in-a-generation political leader, THE WEIGHT OF CHANGE charts New Zealand Green Party politician Chlöe Swarbrick’s journey from a fresh-faced and optimistic 22-year-old, who on a whim decides to run for Mayor, to the seasoned 29-year-old politician who becomes the youngest leader of any political party in New Zealand.
As extraordinarily rare and intimate self-filmed footage of Chlöe reveals, leadership comes at a cost and there’s plenty she must sacrifice in order for her to succeed. As we follow Chlöe fiercely advocating for her electorate, challenging the government on the mental health epidemic, rising inequality and climate justice, we also see the toll that this takes on those closest to her.
As Chlöe grows, evolves and changes as both a person and as a politician, she realises that her desire for a greater good is worth what she has to give up, and accepts that the best way for her to enact change inside a system disconnected from those it purports to represent, is to redefine leadership and redefine what politics really is. Reminding people that they themselves have power, and to not leave politics to the politicians.