A dog is a man’s best friend. This rings true in The Big Grey Film, a groundbreaking and heartfelt documentary about a man and his dog, who embark on a journey to uncover the truth about greyhounds and the divisive dog racing industry.
After adopting a troubled ex-racing greyhound named Georgie, passionate dog-lover, Indy, becomes compelled to learn more about his new best mate and the sport that she competed in.
He embarks on a journey across Australia, conducting candid interviews with greyhound trainers, rescue organisations, politicians, celebrities, and industry whistleblowers. In doing so, he gains unprecedented insight into complex issues affecting greyhound racing, including animal welfare, corruption and problem gambling. He also makes a pack of furry new friends, shining a light on this oft-forgotten breed of dog.
With multiple government inquiries and New Zealand’s recent ban on the industry, this is a critical juncture for the multi-billion dollar greyhound racing industry. This documentary will answer difficult questions regarding the fate of greyhound racing and the dogs involved.
The Big Grey Film follows the success of a short proof-of-concept film that sold out eight theatrical premieres around the world, incited parliamentary inquiries and raised over twenty thousand dollars for greyhound charities.